Archive for junio, 2011

Bofill Viladrau Hotel

jueves, junio 30th, 2011

The hotel was built by Bofill Ramon Bofill i Gallés (1858-1931), who in time became one of the most renowned dentists in Spain. From your query Barcelona and given his reputation, Dr. Bofill had as customers much of the Catalan bourgeoisie of the time. 

The Hotel Bofill

Photography by

Dr. Bofill and his two good friends Drs Valenti Carulla (also Rector of the University of Barcelona, 1913) and Antoni Ariet i Barberis (and 1st mayor of the 2nd Republic Viladrau, 1931) were the capitalized greatly promote Viladrau as healing and tourist destination of the Catalan bourgeoisie of early twentieth century. And quite rightly, as Viladrau was and remains a town of fresh air and idyllic surroundings like few in Catalonia. (más…)

Discovering the mini cities

miércoles, junio 29th, 2011

In this issue we look at two very similar parks that display the same product, scale models of buildings. One is centered in The Hague in the Netherlands and one in Brussels is a city with universal in Europe. There is no doubt that such parks are the ideal complement to a trip if we go with children.

Discovering the mini cities

Photography by Jordanhill School D&T Dept

Let’s start with Madurodam, as they say is the «smallest city in Holland.» This is an outdoor park that reproduces the most typical places of the country to 1:25 scale to the smallest detail. We have this little wonder to Mrs. Boon-van der Bep and marriage Starper Maduro Willemstad. (más…)

Euroal Fair a showcase of international tourism

martes, junio 28th, 2011

Before me and other attendees of a Guatemalan woman wove a traditional way of their traditional costumes, in the Morocco pavilion offered me mint tea in another booth a «sculptor of fruits» taught me how beautiful figures made with melons, pineapples and watermelons in the middle of the floor a colorful group of Peruvians left me spellbound with their folk dances and abroad, I travel the world gastronomically speaking with some of the 80 exotic tapas served.

Euroal Fair

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These and many other sensations I have been enjoying in the Palacio de Congresos in Torremolinos, which was held from 2 to 4 June, the sixth edition of the Tourism Fair of Latin America and Europe, better known as Euroal. (más…)

Travel to El Salar de Uyuni

lunes, junio 27th, 2011

The heights and depths often protect some of the most beautiful landscapes on the planet Earth. If to be astonished by the wonders of the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, you have to compensate the pressure and the latent presence of some of the most deadly sea creatures, to feel in another dimension, the Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia is to give a little oxygen.

The Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia

Phtography by DeFries

Bolivian altiplano lakes and the vast sea of Uyuni salt are undoubtedly the natural landscape in which I felt more Mars. The height dull our reflexes, moves us away from gravity, but also of precious oxygen and even with open eyes would not be surprised if we started hopping like Neil Armstrong, because these landscapes do not appear on this planet. (más…)

Time for the island of Phu Quoc

sábado, junio 25th, 2011

With the mood of the country revolutionized the heat begins to tighten, raise your hand if you are not already planning to go on a trip. If possible, a place that is away from our day to day, with secluded beaches, exotic culture and delicious cuisine.

The island of Phu Quoc

Photography by ZoeShuttleworth

These haunting images sinful head, the impulse to turn to buy a ticket to the beautiful island of Phu Quoc in Vietnam is hard to resist. Located on the Gulf of Siam near the Cambodian border, this piece of paradise still not too exploited for mass tourism, it retains the rural charm that is often difficult to find in the continental Vietnam. (más…)

Discover the Life in Nairobi, Kenya

viernes, junio 24th, 2011

Nairobi is the capital of our destination in Kenya. Its origin in 1899 was that of a railway camp has since grown rapidly and has become the economic, trade and transport in East Africa. The perfect place for shopping trip. Its name derives from Ewaso Nyarobi, in Masai means «Place of cold water».

The destination in Kenya

Photography by rosemarydukelow

The highlight of the city is the National Museum, which offers an overview of the culture and natural history of the country very interesting. (más…)

The true cost of damage to the planet

jueves, junio 23rd, 2011

One need not be an environmentalist to be concerned about the survival of the species on the planet. Think of the farmers in China, who must now pay for their apple trees are pollinated because there are not enough bees. And not just bees that are declining. As a direct result of human activity, species are becoming extinct at a rate a thousand times higher than considered natural. Ecosystems are suffering too. 20% of coral reefs have been destroyed in recent decades and another 20% is seriously threatened. The statistics concern all, because we are all we will end up footing the bill.

The true cost

Photography by U.S. Army Environmental Command

The true cost: (más…)

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