Bordeaux and the wine rutes

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Bordeaux is a city that has grown hand in hand with the wine trade. Since Roman times it was a city whose economy was based on the export of wine. It was under English domination, between the years 1154 and 1453 when his fame and his trade was increased by the items that were shipped wine from France to England. Many merchants of Bordeaux were enriched thanks to the monopoly of the guilds. But, nevertheless, was the discovery of America which gave the final impetus to the city as he saw, thanks to its strategic position facing the Atlantic, opened new avenues of trade for wine market. Today Bordeaux produces 44 million cases of wine annually.

But perhaps most important, which gives the essence of Bordeaux, his life, is the port. Because after Marseilles, Bordeaux is the second oldest and largest port in France. Precisely walking Bordeaux is known for its springs, and the avenue that gives the Garonne River, which meanders in the city is built. The main squares and terraces of this beautiful city is open to classic river through these avenues and docks.

However, one Roman, French or English, is well conserved enough, because Bordeaux is a city that has been slowly rebuilding, and we know today, the fifth largest city in France, has spread around a noble district that was created in the eighteenth century.

We pasearnos the Quartier des Chartrons, the old merchant district, with beautiful streets that are occupied by buildings of the century. Ferrere rue, rue Vauban Foy or are elegant streets of this district, of course, the river flows.

Monument to the Girondine:

This neighborhood is close to what is the main plaza of Bordeaux. A great and beautiful square known as the Esplanade des Quinconces which is the heart of the city for its trees, and adorned with fountains and statues. The square was created between the years 1827 and 1858 in a place where once stood the Chateau de Trompette. At the center of the Esplanade des Quinconces is the Monument aux Girondins in memory of Girondine who were sent to the guillotine by Robespierre. Indeed, in one of the corners of the square stands the Maison du Vin, a wine museum where they offer tastings.

Monument aux Girondins

From there we can get closer to the Church of Notre Dame, built between the years 1684 and 1707, only a few meters between the Church and the Esplanade, the Grand Theater, built between 1773 and 1780, considered a masterpiece in the classic style , which highlights the 12 Corinthian columns on the facade crowned by 12 statues of the Muses.

Paris Cathedral, Notre Dame

From there we can get closer, toward the Garonne, in the Place de la Bourse, towards the docks, an elegant square presided over by two buildings worthy of the eighteenth century: the Palais de la Bourse and the Hotel des Customs.

Facing the square, we can get closer to the piers, there to remember their past and their present merchant and start a nice walk along the Garonne River, to stop and taste some of the finest wines of Bordeaux on the terraces in front of the Esplanade des Quinconces and so that we can get good pictures.


The Church of St. Seurin with works of art from the sixth century, or the Basilica of St. Michel, in the year 1350, or the Cathedral of St. André with their giant ships are some of the other views that can be done in this Quiet and elegant city, Bordeaux

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