Posts Tagged ‘Culture and art’

Bordeaux and the wine rutes

miércoles, agosto 19th, 2009

Bordeaux is a city that has grown hand in hand with the wine trade. Since Roman times it was a city whose economy was based on the export of wine. It was under English domination, between the years 1154 and 1453 when his fame and his trade was increased by the items that were shipped wine from France to England. Many merchants of Bordeaux were enriched thanks to the monopoly of the guilds. But, nevertheless, was the discovery of America which gave the final impetus to the city as he saw, thanks to its strategic position facing the Atlantic, opened new avenues of trade for wine market. Today Bordeaux produces 44 million cases of wine annually. (más…)

Avignon, the oasis of legends

sábado, agosto 8th, 2009

Today we travel another charming place for lovers of medieval cities, for those who love lost between its narrow streets, crossing centuries back in history and to seek opportunities to encounter a gentleman entering the city victorious, or a lady who tell us the most mysterious legends that we could never imagine. Today stroll through Avignon, southeast France, 653 kilometers from Paris and Marseilles 80. (más…)

Edinburgh: A city between legend and history

lunes, agosto 3rd, 2009

City of Edinburgh, with half a million inhabitants, lies on seven hills. A walk between streets is exciting but it is hard for your continued slopes and stairs. Both up and down gives us a range of viewpoints. The great strength, the emblem of the city stands proud and majestic: Castle Rock, the first Celtic to the fortress which defended the city. From here you can distinguish the whole city, both its old and its new part. The castle was built on 135 meters of basaltic rock. On an extinct volcano that was built back in the sixth century. Since the eleventh century was the residence of kings, but for two centuries, became a real stronghold that was captured on several occasions by the British in their fight with the Scots. Thus, in 1313, decided to demolish its walls. Soon after, in the year 1356, King David II was the one who gave it its current image. (más…)

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