Posts Tagged ‘hotel Bocairent’

The Hotel in Alicante – Bocairent

viernes, julio 25th, 2008

At the foot of the Sierra de Mariola mountains stands the newly opened Hotel Ferrero, the first hotel venture by renowned Valencian tennis star Juan Carlos Ferrero. An outright perfectionist both on and 0ff court, Ferrero has undoubtedly served an ace with this exclusive establishment. Formerly known as the Masia del Giner, this country house of almost 120,000 square metres, with spectacular gardens that include tennis and paddle tennis courts, has recently been transformed into one of the most fascinating new hotel ventures, in which 12 impeccably decorated suites provide the perfect base for guests wishing to enjoy a great spa, gym and swimming pool or to sample exquisite cuisine at the hands of prestigious chef Silvia Gavara.


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