Posts Tagged ‘I first visited to Mexico’

Mexico DF: I first visited

miércoles, mayo 12th, 2010

Those who decide to visit Mexico City, Mexico City, you will notice that you are facing one of the strongest cities in America. This is one of the most populated in the world (ninth) and the second in Latin America (after Sao Paulo, Brazil). Thus, as in any world capital, thousands of proposals, which include the likes of everyone: for those who enjoy knowing the history of the place, looking for fun or those who simply want to enter a different culture. To do this, there is like having your five senses on alert and be carried by the momentum of the place.

Palacio de Bellas Artes

Photography by Esparta

With respect to when it is ideal to visit this capital, it must be clarified that, as throughout the country, the climate is excellent, mostly temperate all year round. However, during the months of June, July and until mid-December when there are more international tourism. (más…)

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