Posts Tagged ‘Pagodas’

Visits to Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam

lunes, febrero 28th, 2011

Hanoi is the capital of Vietnam and its name means the city beyond the river. Hanoi is a «typical» Asian capital, with all the good and bad that implies this definition to a modern city. Its streets and chaotic traffic, street restaurantes, their small bikes and sidewalks occupied by the heat during summer allows any visitor to realize that in an Asian city. However, Hanoi also has a charm that other cities do not have, for example, be a city without too many skyscrapers, with neighborhoods (or rather street) separated by offices such as Beijing’s hutongs.


Photography by Eustaquio Santimano

From Hanoi we recommend to wander through its streets in the center while you are visiting sites in the city with which it is best to move with a certain type of transportation, whether by motorcycle or tuk-tuk Vietnamese. (más…)

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