Posts Tagged ‘tours’

Basic tips for your sightseeing tour in Berlin

miércoles, noviembre 9th, 2011

Berlin has recently become one of Europe’s most visited cities by the Spanish. Moreover, it is an ideal destination for a trip taking advantage of a bridge, and the capital of Germany will find many and varied attractions.

Trip to Berlin

Photography by líquen

If you are preparing your first trip to Berlin, will be useful these basic tips for your sightseeing tour, which will allow you to get a first glimpse of what you’ll encounter. These tips you present on your trip to Berlin: (más…)

Traveling to the island Grenada

viernes, octubre 23rd, 2009

Underwater Sculptures, on the island of Grenada has set up a mega underwater installation very surprising. Visiting it brings a unique experience.

Under the Caribbean waters off the coast of the island Grenada is a sculpture park. To achieve this we must go by boat and dive between five and eight meters using a computer to dive.

This mega-facility was created by Englishman Jason Des Caires Taylor, who performs as a response to the damages that were caused by Hurricane Ivan in 2006. As a result of this is thought of building a sculpture reef where marine life is rebuilt. (más…)

Whitechapel is a London

lunes, septiembre 14th, 2009

Whitechapel High Street July 1977 - rescanned por Danny McL.

Whitechapel is a London district whose heart is in Whitechapel High Street. Among the century. XVII and XIX its population grew by the arrival of people from the countryside. Around 1840, this impoverished area of London was terrorized by the murders of Jack the Ripper «in Spanish castizo, Jack» the Ripper «, a pseudonym for a murderer and his crimes that announced in the newspapers. The victims were women, mostly prostitutes and murder being perpetrated in places not particularly obscure. I will not say anything about the procedure butcher who delighted, but the legends surrounding this murderer to think that should be a physician, surgeon, or just that, a butcher. So today, I was scared to death inside the fog of London, following the trail of Jack, Whitechapel High Street … (más…)

Salta, the train to the clouds… discover nature in northern Argentina

domingo, septiembre 13th, 2009

Postcard of Salta in 1999 por wallygrom.

Salta is located well north of Argentina today is a highly developed tourist destination while retaining most of its innate nature. I invite you to visit this area of the imagination Argentina so then you make it happen.

Located in the north, is characterized by its fertile sites and a warm dry climate in winter and moderate in summer. You’ll appreciate the Indian culture deeply rooted in any of the areas you go. As for the architecture you will find houses, historic monuments and very narrow paths that follow the shape of the mountain. (más…)

Christmas festivities in Brazil

sábado, julio 11th, 2009

In Brazil, as in most countries, Christmas took on urban aspects of Nordic origin, especially the custom of exchanging gifts. The ancient European tradition in which these gifts were homemade behind, but the origin of Santa Claus, so widespread among all, persists. (más…)

The Taj Mahal: a love song

lunes, julio 6th, 2009

Taj Mahal revisited... por jazzpic.

The story turns upon the construction of the Taj Mahal is one of the most beautiful that can be counted: the emperor Shah Jahan and his beloved Mumtaz Mahal. It is a love song to a sublime love that will last over time, and kept alive in each of the stones of the temple, each of flowers of the gardens surrounding it, is a love that surrounds you and remains within you, while the eyes of those who admire what we cannot look away this sublime work. And it is this love, this wonderful story that the Taj Mahal has become a symbol throughout the history of humanity, not its unparalleled beauty, but its history. Not perfection, but a deep impression on anyone who causes his heart lies in those tired gardens. (más…)

Samarkand on the Silk Road – Uzbekistan

sábado, julio 4th, 2009

Registan por Gusjer.

The Silk Road was one of the roads most legendary in the history of mankind. The term coined by Ferdinand von Richtofen in 1877, Thomas O. Hollmann was the one who placed the entire region into nine zones: the valley of the Wei, the corridor Hexe, the Gobi, the Makler Takla, the mountains of the Pamir Knot, turiana depression, the Iranian plateau, Mesopotamia and the Syrian desert. (más…)

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