Travel and Health: Tips for the Traveler

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A trip can become a nightmare instead of a pleasure for some minor incidents that can be very annoying and even somewhat serious (shots). It should be proactive. I leave you some tips.

Vaccines and other precautions. If you are traveling to certain countries with irrigation, we must plan well in advance, as there are certain vaccines that require time to develop immunity. Be clear about the risks of the specific area that is (not the same Sao Paulo in Brazil to its Amazon rainforest). Among these risks need to take precautions against yellow fever and typhoid, hepatitis A and B, malaria, etc. In Spain, Foreign Health (the Ministry of Health) reports on the subject, the site of the WHO international immunization is also very useful. Be clear if you need vaccines and deadlines.

Water. The consumption of tap water in some countries causes serious imbalances in the health of travelers. Should take precautions to look out the cubes, even washing teeth!. It should also be noted that although the boiled water is better, this does not always eliminate the problems.

Altitude sickness. People in these places where height plays a bad pass for travelers, it is recommended to follow the three «times» Eat little, walk slowly and the bed alone. It should not drink, breathe deeply and relax. Avoid any activity that requires a greater demand for blood and oxygen.

European health card. If you make a trip to a country of the European Union do not forget to get the European Health Insurance Card which replaces the old form E1-11. Is obtained at any Social Security office upon presentation of their Social Security Card.

Medical checkup. If you have any questions about his health, it is advisable to visit your doctor before making a trip, he will advise you whether to check if the subject makes it desirable.

Medication. Very specifically prescribed by the physician staff from ormeprazol, ziloric etc. (often not easily available in the destination countries).

Most people have no problems when flying, but it is possible to make air travel more safe and comfortable. Here are some tips:
Carry enough of all the medicines you take in your hand luggage. Ask your doctor whether you should change your dose if their hours of sleep and food, that will change when you arrive at your destination. Bring enough medicine to last you throughout your journey. Take extra medication with you in the event that your return is delayed.

If you have diabetes or epilepsy carry a notification and identification card Have the name and phone number with your doctor in case of an emergency. Remember to bring the names and dosages of all your medications.

The air in airplanes is dry, therefore, take soft drinks, decaffeinated and water to avoid dehydration.

The country of destination or the characteristics of a given area travel kit!

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