Travelers checks: Travel Advice

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The travelers checks are heels you can instruct your bank with a preset amount, usually in foreign currency. Once at the destination they can be exchanged for cash instead of payment of a small bank fee. Did you know?

Travelers checks: Travel Advice

Photography by seishin17

In Europe and rarely used, and its broader use is to visit African or Asian countries where the ATM network is not widespread. For example, it can be ordered 10 heels of 3000 rubles. Once on target as we consume our cash funds go changing your heels on Russian banknotes bank branches, subject to signature on our part that the bank is obliged to check. Thus, if we lose or we steal their heels, with a simple call these could invalidate and in any case would not work without our signature to anything. Therefore, a very important advice is not to sign every block, but you have to cash them signing as we know that we will use shortly.

The main advantage of travelers checks is that these are extra security provided with respect to other means of payment, and that the vast majority of banks accept its use as currency, even in remote places. Did you know? For travelers who like to take orders for money, surely for them this is all a «delicacy.»

The disadvantages are many, and should also be taken into account when assessing whether the means of payment are convenient for our next trip!

The use of commissions generated travelers checks to the bank so that the print as in the operation of change in destination. We must refine the planning of the amount of money we believe that we spend, and we should not return too short or heels at home to avoid incurring fees. Being able to change travelers checks at banks only requires us to adapt to these times, so change is not usually possible in the afternoon, and this may force us to modify our schedule of departures. The change is usually more expensive compared to small shops for cash.


– When we want to change heels for local currency on arrival should look at the committees of various banks, as they often vary widely. Generally, bank branches downtown areas offer the best conversion ratios.

– Although a book take care of travelers checks, it is always advisable to keep a minimum amount of cash for the first day on arrival, reaching at least to pay for transportation to the hotel and some food.

Finally, Travelers checks are the same as given in cash, only that they give us an extra plus for safety!

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