Posts Tagged ‘Northern Ireland’

The beautiful princess Celtic

sábado, abril 2nd, 2011

Rising from the mist, behind lush forests and endless mountains beyond the horizon, stands the beautiful and welcoming beautiful Northern Ireland with its many charms that look forward to the visitor, eager for nature and adventure, go to rescue her its legendary past of Celtic myths and legends.

The beautiful princess Celtic

Photography by TS Drown

Perhaps what most surprised just landing in Ireland are lush green forests, which seem to be endless. Besides its natural wonders and home quintessential home of the famous James Joyce and bands including U2, Emerald Island is world famous for the celebration of St. Patrick, pubs exported to the far corners of the planet and pints Guinness factory, which gives its name to the famous book of records. Among its many possibilities, we focus in this post on Causeway Road, a beautiful walk through Northern Ireland ranked as one of the five most fascinating road routes in the world. (más…)

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