Travel health precautions

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Travel health precautions

The Travel Medicine is a medical specialty that focuses on disease prevention and risk situations to which passengers may be exposed, regardless of destination. Also devoted to the diagnosis and treatment of diseases acquired during travel.

As an independent medical specialty, the Travel Medicine is strongly linked to infectivity-lodge, and within this, particularly related to Tropical Medicine.

A health specialist can offer the advice you need to prevent disease during travel. Also, the possible diagnoses and treats diseases acquired by people after a trip.

In the travel medicine are two types of medical consultation:

Pre-travel consultation are valued motives, itinerary, trip characteristics, personal history of the traveler and designed the plan of preventive measures and necessary vaccinations. One of the key tools for disease prevention is vaccination when traveling. The travel medicine specialist will evaluate your vaccination schedule and will provide necessary recommendations based on age, gender, and lifestyle activities.
Post-travel consultation: includes assessment of travelers returning healthy, as well as the diagnosis and treatment of those who do ill acquired during the trip.

General Recommendations for the traveler:

– Carry adequate supply of medications taken regularly (consider extension of stay for any unforeseen).
– Carry a card identifying the diseases that have and a list of drug allergies. You should also carry the recipes for the medications you are receiving, with the name of the original drug.
– Perform a dental pre-departure.
– When traveling, it is advisable to hire a service internacional.La medical care is not free in most countries of the world.
– If you wear glasses or contact lenses, bring an extra pair and a copy of the prescription. Do not forget cleaning solutions and maintenance of their lenses for the entire stay.

The Travel Medicine is a medical

– When using headset, take another couple and the medical prescription with the characteristics.
– Prepare a kit for your trip.
– Sun exposure should be avoided for extended periods and not recommended in hours (11-16 hours). Use sunscreen with a protection factor greater than 15.
– Use protective measures against insect bites.
– Take precautions to avoid sexually transmitted diseases. Use condoms.
– Step up gradually in altitude to avoid «altitude sickness», do not perform intense physical activity and get adequate rest.
– Accidents are the leading cause of death and illness in travelers, and within these countries of transit are the most common. Use the seatbelt and drive carefully.
– Avoid jet lag syndrome (caused by the change of time zones).
– Eat safe foods and beverages to prevent traveler’s diarrhea. Eating in a healthy and safe means that not always possible to eat whatever is offered.
Recreational activities in the water and the beach can be risky. Must be careful with marine life.
– Avoid being attacked by poisonous animals.

Traveler’s Kit:

Travelers should prepare a kit with the minimum elements needed to use the occasion of a wound or in the presence of several symptoms. It is advisable to carry hand luggage. The items to include are:

Traveler's Kit

* Disinfectant solution. (Type iodopovidona)
* Sterile gauze.
* Hypoallergenic adhesive tape.
* Scissors.
* Thermometer.
* Disinfectant soap.
* Analgesics.
* Antihistamines (allergy).
* Antifungals.
* Oral rehydration salts.
* Water purification tablets.
* Sunscreen.
* Repellents and insecticides.
* Medications prescribed by a doctor during the consultation process with pre-trip (chemoprophylaxis for malaria, treatment for traveler’s diarrhea, etc.).
* The medication you take regularly and prescription drugs with originals.

Remember to bring a sufficient quantity of drugs commonly used, considering the length of stay and a possible additional period, if for any reason it saw the need to delay their return (eg.: Loss of flights, change of itinerary).

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